Database-SQL-RDBMS HOW-TO document for Linux (PostgreSQL Object Relational Database System)
v21.0, 14 May 2000
This document is a "practical guide" to very quickly setup a SQL Database
engine and
front end tools on a Unix system. It also discusses the International standard
language ANSI/ISO SQL and reviews the merits/advantages of the SQL database engine developed by the world-wide internet in an "open development" environment.
It is about HOW-TO setup a next generation Object Relational SQL Database "PostgreSQL" on Unix system which can be used as a Application Database
Server or as a Web Database Server. PostgreSQL attempts to implement
current and future International ISO/ANSI SQL standards. This document also gives information on the database interface programs
like Front End GUIs, RAD tools (Rapid Application Development), ODBC,
JDBC drivers, "C", "C++", Java, Perl programming interfaces and Web
Database Tools.
Information given here applies to all Unix/Windows NT platforms and to all other SQL databases. It will be very useful for people who are new to Databases, SQL language and PostgreSQL.
This document also has SQL tutorial, SQL syntax which would be very helpful
for beginners. Experienced people will find this document as a useful reference guide. For students, the information given here will enable them
to get the source code for PostgreSQL relational database system, from which they can learn as to how a RDBMS SQL database engine is created.