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14. Applications and Tools for PostgreSQL

14.1 PostgreSQL 4GL for web database applications - AppGEN Development System

AppGEN can be downloaded from

AppGEN is a high level fourth generation language and application generator for producing World Wide Web (WWW) based applications. These applications are typically used over the internet or within a corporate intranet. AppGEN applications are implemented as C scripts conforming to the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) standard supported by most Web Servers.

To use AppGEN you will need the following :-

PostgresSQL, relational database management system

A CGI compatible web server such as NCSA's HTTPD

An ansi C compiler such as GCC

AppGEN consists of the following Unix (Linux) executables :-

The author, Andrew Whaley, can be contacted on

14.2 WWW Web interface for PostgresSQL - DBENGINE

dbengine a plug 'n play Web interface for PostgreSQL created by Ingo Ciechowski. It is at

About DBENGINE : dbengine is an interface between the WWW and Postgres95 which provides simple access to any existing database within just a few minutes.

PHP gives you a Perl like language in your documents, but no real Perl while AppGen and wdb-p95 require that you create some configuration file for each of your databases -- sound's like you'll first of all have to learn some sort of new meta language before you can get started.

Unlike other tools you don't have to learn any special programming or scripting language to get started with dbengine. Also there's no configuration file for each database, so you don't have to get familiar with such a new structure. However - in case you want to gain access to the full features of dbengine it'd be a good idea to know the Perl language.

The whole system can be configured by simple manipulations of an additional database that contains closer information about how to visualize your database access. You can even specify virtual Fields which are calculated on the fly right before they're displayed on the screen.

14.3 Apache Webserver Module for PostgreSQL - NeoSoft NeoWebScript

Apache is a well-known Web Server. And a module to interface PostgreSQL to Apache Webserver is at -

NeoWebScript is a programming language that allows both simple and complex programs to be embedded into HTML files.

When an HTML page containing embedded NeoWebScript is requested, the NeoWebScript-enabled webserver executes the embedded script(s), producing a webpage containing customized content created by the program.

NeoWebScript is a fast, secure, easy to learn way to do powerful, server-based interactive programming directly in the HTML code in web pages. With NeoWebScript, counters, email forms, graffiti walls, guest books and visitor tracking are all easy, even for a beginning programmer. See how well NeoWebScript holds its' own vs. PERL and JavaScript.

If you'd like to install NeoWebScript on your webserver, your Webmaster needs to read our Sysop FAQ to get started. Theory of Operations will explain how NeoWebScript works, while installation will take them through the steps. Management deals with configuration issues and running the server, tests let you verify correct NeoWebScript operation, and troubleshooting deals with server problems.

There is no cost to you to use NeoWebScript-2.2 for your ISP, your intranet, or your extranet. You'll see a full license when you register to download, but it costs $ 99 if you want to embed it in your own product or use it in a commerce (eg. SSL) server.

NeoWebScript is a module for the Apache webserver that allows you to embed the Tcl/Tk programming language in your webpages as a scripting tool. It was invented by Karl Lehenbauer, NeoSoft's Chief Technical Officer, and documented, enhanced and extended by NeoSoft's programmers and technical writers.

The Apache webserver is the world's most popular webserver, accounting for 68 % of the sites polled.

Tcl/Tk is the powerful, free, cross-platform scripting language developed by Dr. John Ousterhout. In his own words

"Tcl/Tk lets software developers get the job done ten times faster than with toolkits based on C or C++. It's also a great glue language for making existing applications work together and making them more graphical and Internet-aware."

Karl Lehenbauer, Founder and Chief Technical Officer of NeoSoft, has been part of Tcl/Tk development from the very beginning. Together with Mark Diehkans, they authored Extended Tcl, also known as TclX or NeoSoft Tcl, a powerful set of extensions to the language. Many of the current core Tcl commands originated in Extended Tcl, and were then imported into the core language by Dr. Ousterhout.

NeoSoft Inc., 1770 St. James Place, Suite 500, Houston, TX 77056 USA

14.4 HEITML server side extension of HTML and a 4GL language for PostgreSQL

Tool heitml is another way to interface postgres with the world wide web. For more details contact

          Helmut Emmelmann H.E.I. Informationssyteme GmbH 
          Wimpfenerstrasse 23 Tel. 49-621-795141 
          68259 Mannheim Germany Fax. 49-621-795161 

heitml is a server side extension of HTML and a 4GL language at the same time. People can write web applications in the HTML style by using new HTML-like tags.

heitml (pronounced "Hi"-TML) is an extension of HTML and a full-featured 4th generation language that enables Web-based Applications to interact with data stored in SQL databases, without resorting to complex CGI scripts.

heitml extends HTML on the sever side, dynamically converting ".hei" files to HTML format and so is compatible with any web browser.It embraces the familiar, easy-to-use HTML syntax and provides a large assortment of pre-developed Tags and Libraries to take care of tasks that formerly required CGI. As XML, heitml provides user defined tags. With heitml the user defined markup can be translated to HTML and send to a browser.

heitml targets both HTML designers and professional programmers alike. HTML designers can use heitml Tags to build dynamic web pages, access SQL databases, or create complete web applications. Counters, registration databases, search forms, email forms, or hierarchical menues can all be created simply by using the pre-developed HTML-like Tags found in the many Component Libraries.

For programmers heitml embeds a complete forth generation language in HTML

          (e.g. <if>, <while>, and <let> Tags), 
plus powerful expression evaluation with integer, real, boolean, string, and tuple data types. Tuples have reference semantics as in modern object oriented languages and are stored on a heap. heitml variables including all complex data structures stored on the heap maintain their values between pages using the Session Mode. It is possible to define your own tags or environment tags and even re-define HTML-tags.

heitml makes it possible to

- - - develop Web Sites in a structured and modular way, drastically reducing maintenance overhead.

- - - develop intelligent and interactive Web Sites, with content that dynamically adapts itself to user needs.

- - - show the content of SQL databases with no programming other than to use our library of prefined "dba" Tags.

- - - develop complex database and Catalog Shopping applications using Session Variables

heitml runs on Linux with any Web Server using the CGI interface, and is especially fast (avoiding the CGI overhead) within the APACHE Web Server using the apache API. Currently MSQL (Version 1 and 2), PostgreSQL (Version 6), mysql, and the yard databases are supported). heitml also works on Linux, BSDi, Solaris and SunOS, as well as Windows NT with CGI and ISAPI and ODBC and Windows 95.

heitml (on linux) is free for research, non-commercial and private usage. Commercial Web Sites must pay a licensing fee. The fully operational version of heitml is available for a trial period downloaded freely. (Note, however, that each ".hei" Web Page you develop will display a message identifying it as the version for non-commercial use. After registration, you will receive a key to switch off the message without having to re-install the program.)

heitml (pronounced "Hi"-TML) significantly extends and enhances the functionality of HTML by definable tags and full programming features. This makes dynamic content and database applications possible simply within the HTML world, without CGI and without external scripting or programming languages. This means you, as an HTML author, can embed applications in your web pages, simply by using some new tags without CGI and without programming. As an advanced user or programmer on the other hand you can create and program powerful tag libraries. This approach makes heitml suitable for HTML newcomers and professional programmers alike. heitml runs on the web server and dynamically generates HTML, so heitml is compatible with the internet standards and with any web browser. It allows full access to databases while shielding the user from any unneccessary CGI complexity. heitml has been developed according to the newst research and in compiler construction and transaction systems.

heitml pages are developed just the same way as HTML pages, with a text editor or HTML editor, and placed on the web server as usual. However now pages can contain dynamic heitml tags and access tag libraries. You can use these tags to access the database, to create dynamic content, to send emails, and even to create powerful applications like registration databases and shopping systems.

HTML newcomers and professional programmers alike will be amazed at how quickly and easily they can design exciting applications like our Interactive Guestbook without resorting to complex and difficult to learn CGI scripts, simply by using the tools provided in our dba Library.

heitml is accompanied by a wide range of tag libraries, to create guestbooks, database maintenance applications, extensible query forms, powerful email forms or structure your web site using a hierarchic menu. These tools are ready to go, just add the corresponding tags to your web site.

As an experienced programmer you can make fully use of the heitml persistent dynamic tuple architecture : heitml is not just a scripting language with dynamic typing, full power expression evaluation, recursive procedures and extensive parameter passing features, but it also features persistent dynamic tuples to automatically keep session data of any size.

14.5 America On-line AOL Web server for PostgreSQL

The no-cost commercial webserver, AOLserver supports database connections to PostgreSQL for more information see

AOLserver is a fast, fully multithreaded, Tcl enabled webserver. But not only that, it is a complete database-backed web development platform. With AOLserver you can have multiple pooled connections to PostgreSQL (and other RBDMSs) that can be shared among different threads. AOLserver has a Tcl and C APIs that allow you to develop powerful dynamic websites. All this since 1995. It is licensed under the APL (AOLserver Public License) or the GPL, thus being totally free software. The Tcl API is the most useful for web sites. AOLserver has a set of powerful Tcl calls, such as ns_sendmail (to send e-mail), ns_httpget (to fetch a URL), ns_schedule (a cron-like feature to schedule procedures to run at specific times), etc. You can also extend AOLserver's capabilities very easily with the Tcl API. Each AOLserver virtual server can have its own "library" of private Tcl scripts that are parsed by AOLserver and become accessible to any page within that virtual server. You can develop pages for AOLserver in three ways: - Plain HTML - .tcl pages -- these are tcl programs that can return HTML via the ns_write call. - .adp pages -- AOL Dynamic Pages. You develop your pages in plain HTML but you can scape to Tcl code by using <% %> or <%= %> much alike PHP or ASP. While AOLserver is a great webserver with a superb architecture, where it really shines is in database connectivity. AOLserver has its own database abstraction layer that enables you to have it connected to different RDBMSs without changing your code at all. The connections do the RDBMS are pooled, persistent and are shared among different threads. This allows for very fast connections and efficient use of resources. AOLserver has drivers for all major RDBMSs: PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Illustra, Solid, Interbase, MySQL.

14.6 Problem/Project Tracking System Application Tool for PostgreSQL

This is at

14.7 Convert dbase dbf files to PostgreSQL

The program dbf2msql works fine with mSQL and PostgreSQL. You can find it at

This program was written by Maarten Boekhold, Faculty of Electrical Engineering TU Delft, NL Computer Architecture and Digital Technique section

You can also use a python method to read dbf files and load into a postgres database.

14.8 Convert Microsoft Access MDB database files to PostgreSQL

MDB Tools is a planned set of libraries and utilities to facilitate exporting data from MS Access databases (mdb files) into a multiuser database such as Oracle, Sybase, DB2, Informix, MySQL, Postgresql, or similar.

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