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15. Web Database Design/Implementation tool for PostgreSQL - EARP

15.1 What is EARP ?

The "Easily Adjustable Response Program" (EARP) created by David Dougherty. EARP is a Web Database Design/Implementation tool, built on top of the PostgreSQL database system. Its functionality includes:

15.2 Implementation

The main implementation of EARP is a CGI binary which runs under the http daemon to provide access to the database server. All of the design tools are built into the driver, no design takes place over anything but the web. The tools themselves require a graphical browser, the compatibility of objects designed with the tools is implementation independent, based on designing individuals preferences.

15.3 How does it work ?

One of the main features of EARP is that it uses an Object Oriented approach to producing html pages which interface to the database. Most pages will consist of several objects. Each object is produced by some sort of tool and given a name, objects are then linked together in a callable sequence by the page tool. Objects are also reusable across multiple pages. Basic tools exist for HTML, Querys, Grabbing input from forms, Extendable Formatting of Query and Input objects, and Linking together of objects into other objects. More advanced tools include the mail tool and the multithreaded query tool.

Another feature of EARP is advanced security. Access to various areas of the EARP system can be limited in a variety of ways. To facilitate its advanced security, EARP performs checks for each connection to the system, determining what ids and groups the connecting agent belongs to. Access to areas is defined seperately, and the combination decides if access to a specific area of Earp is allowed. Moreover, all that is required to implement the security features is an http server that supports basic (or better) user authentication.

15.4 Where to get EARP ?

EARP is available via anonymous ftp from

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