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24. Technical support for PostgreSQL

If you have any technical question or encounter any problem you can e-mail to:

and expect e-mail answer in less than a day. As the user-base of internet product is very vast, and users support other users, internet will be capable of giving technical support to billions of users easily. Email support is much more convenient than telephone support as you can cut and paste error messages, program output etc.. and easily transmit to mailing list/newsgroup.

Also PostgreSQL organisation is selling technical support to companies, the revenue generated will be used for maintaining several mirror sites (web and ftp) around the world. The revenue will also be used to produce printed documentation, guides, textbooks which will help the customers.

You can also take help from professional consulting firms like RedHat, Anderson, WGS (Work Group Solutions). Contact them for help, since they have very good expertise in "C", "C++" (PostgreSQL is written in "C") -

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