PgAccess is a Tcl/Tk interface to PostgreSQL. It is already included in the distribution of PostgreSQL. You may want to check out this web site for a newer copy
# man xhost # xhost + # su - postgres bash$ man pgaccess bash$ export DISPLAY=<hostname>:0.0 bash$ pgaccess mydatabase
Features of PgAccess
PgAccess windows - Main window, Table builder, Table(query) view, Visual query builder.
Future implementation will have
You will need the PostgreSQL to Tcl interface library libgtcl, lined as a Tcl/Tk 'load'-able module. The libpgtcl and the source is located in the PostgreSQL directory /src/interfaces/libpgtcl. Specifically, you will need a libpgtcl library that is 'load'-able from Tcl/Tk. This is technically different from an ordinary PostgreSQL loadable object file, because libpgtcl is a collection of object files. Under Linux, this is called You can download from the above site a version already compiled for Linux i386 systems. Just copy into your system library director (/usr/lib). One of the solutions is to remove from the source the line containing load and to load pgaccess.tcl not with wish, but with pgwish (or wishpg) that wish that was linked with libpgtcl library.
If you get crypt not found during compilation pgaccess source tree then use -lcrypt.
MPSQL provides users with a graphical SQL interface to PostgresSQL. MPSQL is similar to Oracle's SQL Worksheet and Microsoft SQL Server's query tool WISQL. It has nice GUI and has history of commands. Also you can cut and paste and it has other nice features to improve your productivity.
ISQL is for character command line terminals. This is included in the distribution, and is called "psql". Very similar to Sybase ISQL, Oracle SQLplus. At unix prompt give command 'psql' which will put you in psql> prompt.
bash# su - postgres
bash$ man psql
bash$ psql mydatabase
Type \h to see help of commands.
Very user friendly and easy to use.
Can also be accessed from shell scripts.
MPMGR will provide a graphical management interface for PostgresSQL. You can find it at