Name: pam_mount Version: 0.9.9 Release: 1.ker.rhel3 Summary: A PAM module that can mount volumes for a user session. License: LGPL Group: System Environment/Base URL: Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root Requires: pam BuildRequires: glib2-devel %description This module is aimed at environments with SMB (Samba or Windows NT) or NCP (Netware or Mars-NWE) servers that Unix users wish to access transparently. It facilitates access to private volumes of these types well. The module also supports mounting home directories using loopback encrypted filesystems. %prep %setup -q %build %configure make %install %makeinstall mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/security install config/pam_mount.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/security/pam_mount.conf # Fix rm %{buildroot}/lib/security/pam_mount.a rm %{buildroot}/lib/security/ %clean [ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README TODO %attr(0600,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/security/pam_mount.conf %{_bindir}/autoehd %{_bindir}/mkehd %{_bindir}/mount_ehd %{_bindir}/passwdehd /lib/security/ %{_mandir}/man8/pam_mount.8* %changelog * Sun Mar 21 2004 Milan Kerslager - rebuild for RHEL3, SPEC changes * Sun Feb 1 2004 Petr Kri¹tof - Cleanup spec - Update to 0.9.9 * Sun Nov 23 2003 Petr Kri¹tof - Rebuild on FC-1 - Update to 0.9.8 * Sun May 12 2002 Petr Kri¹tof - Rebuild on RH-8.0 - Update to 0.5.10 * Sun May 12 2002 Petr Kri¹tof - Rebuild on RH-7.3 - Updated to 0.3.2 * Thu Dec 6 2001 Petr Kri¹tof - Modified for RH-7.2 * Tue Nov 21 2000 Elvis Pfützenreuter - Updated to version 0.3.1 * Tue Nov 21 2000 Elvis Pfützenreuter - Updated to version 0.3 * Thu Nov 14 2000 Elvis Pfützenreuter - First RPM