# Kickstart Installation for manual install (pre-filled menus) install #interactive #autostep text url --url ftp://ftp.pslib.cz/pub/linux/taolinux.org/tao-4/i386/dist lang cs_CZ.UTF-8 langsupport --default=cs_CZ.UTF-8 cs_CZ.UTF-8 keyboard cz-lat2 mouse skipx #xconfig --startxonboot --resolution 1024x768 #xconfig --card "ATI Radeon 7500" --videoram 65536 --hsync 30-63 --vsync 55-75 --resolution 800x600 --depth 16 #xconfig --card "ATI Radeon X300" --videoram 16384 --hsync 31.5-37.9 --vsync 50.0-61.0 --resolution 800x600 --depth 16 --startxonboot --defaultdesktop gnome #firstboot --disable network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp #rootpw root.root #rootpw --iscrypted $1$1ZG9xUGw$PZhGCmVWqLkWzLRoBWP4V1 firewall --disabled selinux --permissive authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 timezone Europe/Prague bootloader --location=mbr --append="rhgb quiet" reboot # The following is the partition information you requested # Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed # here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is # not guaranteed to work #clearpart --linux clearpart --none #autopart part / --fstype "ext3" --onpart hda1 part swap --onpart hda2 %packages --resolvedeps --nobase authconfig crontabs dhclient kudzu lftp netconfig openssh-clients passwd rootfiles rpm vim-minimal vixie-cron wget yum -fontconfig -fonts-ISO8859-2 -chkfontpath -ttmkfdir -xorg-x11-font-utils -xorg-x11-Mesa-libGL -xorg-x11-libs -xorg-x11-xfs %post # set up the environment for our post-script export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin set -x # workaround for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=151472 echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf # Modify /etc/inittab to not claer the screen after the boot complete perl -pi -e 's/(mingetty) (tty1)/$1 --noclear $2/' /etc/inittab # Modify /boot/grub/grub.conf to have more descriptive title for Joe User # and to boot MS Win as default perl -pi -e 's/default=0/default=1/; s/title DOS/title Windows/' /boot/grub/grub.conf # Modify /etc/sysconfig/keyboard (to convert cz-lat2 keymap to UTF-8) perl -pi -e 's/(cz-lat2)/-u $1/' /etc/sysconfig/keyboard # Modify X keyboard setup to be able to switch keyboard to US too perl -pi -e 's@(cz_qwerty")@us,$1\n\tOption\t"XkbOptions" "grp:shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,grp:switch"@' /etc/X11/xorg.conf # import public keys to the RPM database TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/pubkeys.XXXXXX) wget -q -P $TMPDIR -nd -m -np rpm --import ${TMPDIR}/RPM* rm -rf $TMPDIR # force clients to get packages from our FTP server: install our yum.conf DELETE=$(rpm -qa \*yumconf) [ ! -z "$DELETE" ] && rpm -e $DELETE unset DELETE YUMFILE="pslib-t4-yum.conf" wget -q http://ftp.pslib.cz/pub/users/Milan.Kerslager/ks/${YUMFILE} mv -f $YUMFILE /etc/yum.conf unset YUMFILE # update the system (extra repository already included in yum.conf) #yum makecache yum -y update # delete all kernels except latest one (after update) for i in kernel kernel-smp; do if [ $(rpm -q $i | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then rpm -e $(rpm -q $i | sed '$d') fi done # install extra package without a repository #export URL="ftp://ftp.pslib.cz/pub/users/Milan.Kerslager/RHEL-4/stable/" #rpm -Uvh ${URL}$(wget -O- -q ${URL} | grep package | perl -p -e 's@.*(package[a-z0-9\.-]*).*@$1@') #unset URL # disable all installed services (at startup) #chkconfig --list | grep '[35]:on' | awk '{print "chkconfig "$1" off"}' | sh # enable services for runlevel 3 and 5 #for i in gpm haldaemon network readahead_early readahead sendmail syslog; do # chkconfig --level 35 $i on #done # enable for runlevel 5 only (multiuser with X Window system) #for i in messagebus xfs; do # chkconfig --level 5 $i on #done