Skript pro prekodovani vystupu pro tisk (se jmeny MS fontu na jmena URW fontu) je soucasti distribuce (balicek sofc, prvni CD-ROM). K balicku se StarOffice tedy doporucujeme nainstalovat tyto balicky: sofc-1.1-2.noarch.rpm urw-fonts-ISO8859-2-1.0-1.noarch.rpm Tisk se pak provadi z menu prikazem: sofc | lpr -------------------------------------------------------------- Installation of the RPM archive -------------------------------------------------------------- To install the RPM archive below follow these steps: 1. Login as root. 2. Enter 'rpm -i StarOffice-5.2_01_569a19-2.i386.rpm'. This will install StarOffice into '/opt/office52'. -------------------------------------------------------------- User installation -------------------------------------------------------------- To install a 'workstation installation' of StarOffice follow these steps: 1. Login as a user. 2. Enter '/opt/office52/program/setup' or '/opt/office52/program/soffice' This will install the required directory structures and configuration data to the user's home directory as a so called 'workstation installation'. -------------------------------------------------------------- Deinstallation of the RPM archive -------------------------------------------------------------- To deinstall the RPM archive follow these steps: 1. Login as root. 2. Enter 'rpm -e StarOffice'.