C-C++ Beautifier HOW-TO

Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan) alavoor@yahoo.com

v5.0, 10 July 2000

This document will help you to format (beautify) the C/C++ programs so that it is more readable and confirms to your site C/C++ coding standards. The information in this document applies to all the operating sytems that is - Linux, MS DOS, Windows 95/NT, OS/2, IBM OSes, all flavors of Unix like Solaris, HPUX, AIX, SCO, Sinix, BSD, SCO, etc.. and to all other operating systems which support "C" compiler (it means almost all the operating systems on this planet!).

1. Introduction

2. How can I trust Beautifier programs??!!

3. Beautifiers for other Languages

4. Verification Script

5. Related URLs

6. Other Formats of this Document

7. Copyright

1. Introduction

Coding standards for C/C++ or any language is required in order to make the programs more readable/understandable by programmers. There are C/C++ beautifiers (formating tools) to accomplish this goal. Formatted (beautified) code improves the productivity of programmers by 2 times!!

On Linux/Unixes there is a command called "indent" and "cb" . Refer to 'man indent' and 'man cb'. Note that indent and cb work for only "C" programs. For "C++" programs use "bcpp". Download the beautifier program from one of the following

I used BCPP to format the C++ programs and it worked fine for me. You may want to check other tools and use the one which you may like the most.

BCPP was written by Steven De Toni at

2. How can I trust Beautifier programs??!!

For 100% assurance you need a SCIENTIFIC way to validate and trust a beautifier program. The method described in this section will enable the beautifier program to be accepted as "trust-worthy" and reliable.

In order to verify that beautifier programs like bcpp, indent or cb is not damaging or changing the input source-code after formatting, you can use the shell script verification program or use the following technique -

Generate the object code from the original input source code using the compiler -

  g++ -c myprogram.cpp

Here g++ is GNU C++ compiler. This will create object output myprogram.o

Save this file -

   mv myprogram.o myprogram_orig.o

Now run bcpp -

   bcpp myprogram.cpp

This will create the formatted output program file myprogram.cpp and move the original file to myprogram.cpp.orig. Compile the new file with -
   g++ -c myprogram.cpp

Now use the unix 'diff' command to compare the two object files -

   diff myprogram.o myprogram_orig.o

Both these files MUST BE IDENTICAL. This verifies that bcpp is working perfectly. On DOS or Windows 95 you may want to use the free Cygnus Cygwin 'diff' or 'MKS' utilities.

Also you can use the assembler output instead of object output in compiler. Like -

    g++ -S myprogram.cpp

This creates myprogram.s. Verify with -
    diff myprogram.s myprogram_orig.s

This step gives 100% guarantee that your valuable source code is intact and bcpp is JUST doing ONLY formatting and is NOT changing or damaging your code in any way. This method gives you 100% quality assurance and life term or long term WARRANTY on beautifier programs like 'bcpp', 'cb' or 'indent'.

It is strongly recommended that you do these two steps every time you run beautifier programs like bcpp, indent or cb.

3. Beautifiers for other Languages

Visit the following sites to get beautifiers for other languages like HTML, SQL, Java, Perl, Fortran.

To create presentation of codes to display using HTML -

Also search the search engines like http://www.yahoo.com or http://www.lycos.com and search for keyword "beautfier".

4. Verification Script

This is a Korn shell script to verify beautifier program. Requires "pdksh*.rpm" from Linux 'contrib' cdrom. Save this file as 'text' file and chmod a+rx on it. You can re-write this shell script in PERL so that you can use it on Window 95/NT or MSDOS. Uncomment the PRGM variable to point to bcpp, cb or indent


# Verification program to check C++ Beautifiers 'bcpp', 'indent' or cb
# Copyright 
# The copyright policy is GNU/GPL.
# Author: Al Dev (Alavoor Vasudevan) alavoor@yahoo.com

        # Remove all the temp files....
        \rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
        \rm -f ${TMP_CPPFILE}*.*

        if [ ! -f ${FNAME} ]; then
                print "\nError: The file ${FNAME} does not exist!!. Aborting now ...."
        \cp  -f ${FNAME} ${TMP_CPPFILE}.cpp
        ${COMPILER} -c ${TMP_CPPFILE}.cpp
        if [ ! -f ${TMP_CPPFILE}.o ]; then
                print "Fatal Error: Failed to compile ${FNAME}. Aborting now... "
        \mv -f ${TMP_CPPFILE}.o ${TMP_CPPFILE}_orig.o

        aa=`basename $PRGM`
        print "\nRunning, verifying $aa on ${FNAME}"
        ${PRGM} ${TMP_CPPFILE}.cpp
        ${COMPILER} -c ${TMP_CPPFILE}.cpp
        \rm -f $TMP_FILE
        diff ${TMP_CPPFILE}.o ${TMP_CPPFILE}_orig.o 1> $TMP_FILE 2>> $TMP_FILE
        result=`wc -c $TMP_FILE | awk '{print $1}' `
        if [ "$result" = "0" ]; then
                print "Success!! Beautifier $aa is working properly!!\n"
                print "Fatal Error: Something wrong!! Beautifier is not working!!"
#       ${COMPILER} -S ${TMP_CPPFILE}.cpp
#       diff ${TMP_CPPFILE}.s ${TMP_CPPFILE}_orig.s

        # Remove all the temp files....
        \rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
        \rm -f ${TMP_CPPFILE}*.*

########## Main of program begins here ##################3


print -n "Enter the C++ file name <default is *.cpp> : "
read ans
if [ "$ans" = "" -o "$ans" = " " ]; then

# Remove all the temp files....
\rm -f ${TMP_FILE}
\rm -f ${TMP_CPPFILE}*.*

if [ "$ans" != "ALL" ]; then
        check_beautify_now ${FILENAME}
        ls *.cpp |
        while read FILENAME 
                check_beautify_now ${FILENAME}

5. Related URLs

Visit following locators which are related to C, C++ -

6. Other Formats of this Document

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7. Copyright

Copyright policy is GNU/GPL as per LDP (Linux Documentation project). LDP is a GNU/GPL project. Additional restrictions are - you must retain the author's name, email address and this copyright notice on all the copies. If you make any changes or additions to this document then you should intimate all the authors of this document.