[ 14 October 1997 The Linux Tiny News mini-HOWTO is not being maintained by the author any more. If you are interested in maintaining the Tiny News mini-HOWTO, please get in touch with me at <tjbynum@metalab.unc.edu>. ] ******************submisson for "Tiny-News-HOWTO"************************** *********************NOTE UPDATED PERMISSION******************************* Copyright (c) May 25, 1995 Kent Lewis (Kenneth M. Lewis, Jr.) If this document is accepted by the Linux Documentation project, permission is granted to make it distributable in accordance with the LDP HOWTO distribution policy, with the stipulation that the author would like to review it in its final form before LDP releases it. ************ I am a Linux user whose net access consists of a ppp link which is not up all the time. My internet service provider is in another town, so I have to pay phone tolls while I'm online. This can quickly add up, so I've been working on ways to keep costs down but still make the most of my net access. Until recently, I've had to stay online to read Usenet news remotely from the provider's NNTP server. This burned up a lot of online time. I went looking for a solution, and found one that suits me. Hopefully it can help others, too. I respectfully submit this "Tiny-News-HOWTO." It describes how to use INN to make a small news spool that contains only the newsgroups you're interested in. Articles are pulled and replies are posted in one compact online session via a simple perl script. All this is of course "alpha." If something comes up that's not covered here, you'll have to fix it yourself. You need access to an NNTP server. Telnet to port 119 of the machine you want to use, to make sure it allows reading and posting. You should get a message which will indicate whether or not this is allowed. If not, then iron out your access problems before going any further. If you're already using the machine to read/post remotely, then you know you have the necessary access. You need enough disk to hold your news spool. I have a Linux partition that is about 300M, and two days' worth of news for about 15 newsgroups only takes up one or two percent of disk as listed by 'df'. I recommend starting with a small number of newsgroups and working your way up, just to be safe. You need perl and INN. If you don't have them, you can get them by anonymous ftp from sunsite.unc.edu (or mirror sites). Last time I checked, perl was in /pub/Linux/devel/perl and INN was in /pub/Linux/system/Mail/news. Install INN and perl, if you haven't done so already. I got INN from the Slackware 2.2 distribution, and it included good documentation. Follow the steps in the docs and you'll be fine. As for perl, I'm using the precompiled perl 4.0pl36 that came with Slackware 2.2. If you don't have access to an out-of-the-box perl binary, then you're on your own as far as compilation/ installation goes. Be sure you have the "junk" and "control" groups, or innd won't start. You'll have to put these in manually, before you ever start innd, since 'ctlinnd' assumes innd is already running. After that, use INN's 'ctlinnd newgroup ... ... ' to make the empty news spool. See the man page for 'ctlinnd.' Set up a newsfeed to the NNTP server you will be using. You won't actually be doing a newsfeed in the intended sense, but this will make INN create a file in /usr/spool/news/out.going that the perl script below uses to find and post articles you've composed offline. Instructions for setting up the feed are in the INN docs. See the man page for 'newsfeeds.' IMPORTANT: You will need to set up your newsfeeds file so that the first field in the file /usr/spool/news/out.going contains the full pathnames of the articles you'll be sending out. If the first field in the /usr/spool/news/out.going/xxx file does not contain the articles' full pathnames, then the perl script will attempt to post whatever appears in that first field, which will probably produce undesirable results. Be sure to configure your control.ctl file to keep new newsgroups from automagically appearing in your spool and active file. If you don't do this, when control messages for new newsgroups come in, the load on your system will go way up as the new groups are added, and things will slow down considerably, which is contrary to the whole point of this HOWTO. Change to the directory of your choice, and do a 'touch -t $YESTERDAY lastget'. Replace $YESTERDAY with the time string for 24 hours ago. See the man page for 'touch'. Now put the following perl script in the same directory, and make it executable. Replace $NEWSPATH with whatever directory the INN package resides in (/usr/lib/news on my box). Replace $SCRIPTPATH with the path to the directory where the perl script will reside (the same one where 'lastget' is--- /usr/local/news on my box). Replace $PROVIDER with the address of your NNTP server. Replace $NEWSFEED with whatever you named your news feed when you installed INN. See the man pages for 'nntpsend' and 'inews' to see what this script does. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl ## ## retrieve new articles ## open(LIST, "$NEWSPATH/active") || die "could not open list of active newsgroups"; while (<LIST>) { @newsgroup = split(' ', $_); ## splits next line of the active file on ## whitespace, assigns pieces to array ## @newsgroup. @newsgroup[0] now holds the ## holds the name of the newsgroup system "$NEWSPATH/bin/nntpget -f $SCRIPTPATH/lastget -n @newsgroup[0] -o -v $PROVIDER" || print "could not pull articles for @newsgroup[0]\n"; } close(LIST); system "touch $SCRIPTPATH/lastget"; ## ## strip the "NNTP-Posting-Host: " header out of my local posts, which are ## about to be sent ## open(LIST, "/usr/spool/news/out.going/$NEWSFEED") || die "could not open list of articles to be stripped"; while (<LIST>) { if (@article = split(' ', $_)) { $article = @article[0]; rename("$article", "$article" . '.bak'); $backup = "$article.bak"; open(OUTPUT, ">> $article"); open(INPUT, "$backup"); select(OUTPUT); while (<INPUT>) { print unless ?^NNTP-Posting-Host.*\n? } close(OUTPUT); close(INPUT); unlink("$backup"); reset; } } select(STDOUT); close(LIST); ## ## send the articles ## $ENV{'NNTPSERVER'} = "$PROVIDER"; open(LIST, '/usr/spool/news/out.going/$NEWSFEED') || die "could not open list of outgoing articles"; while (<LIST>) { if (@article = split(' ', $_)) { $article = @article[0]; system "inews -h $article"; } } close(LIST); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ That should do it. Assuming you've named the perl script 'foonews,' then next time you're online, type '$SCRIPTPATH/foonews' and hit return. If you see message ID's start to march down your screen, then you're in business. Note that things don't happen instantaneously. You may have to wait a few seconds before the first message ID appears. When you're done, you should have all the articles that have been posted since $SCRIPTPATH/lastget was last modified, and all your locally posted articles should have been posted to your NNTP server, which will pass them on downstream. $SCRIPTPATH/lastget should now have today's timestamp, so that when you do 'foonews' tomorrow, you get all the articles that have been posted between now and tomorrow's newsrun. You'll have to wipe the /usr/local/news/out.going/$NEWSFEED file manually. I purposely left this step out of the script for debugging reasons, and haven't gotten around to fixing it yet. The first time I tried all this out, I verified that the articles had been posted to the remote server before I wiped their entries. You might want to do the same. If you've configured INN correctly, then $NEWSPATH/bin/news.daily takes care of maintenance quite nicely. Right now I'm doing everything manually; you might want to automate things with some crontab entries. One last note: I don't pretend that my script is elegant, or that this method is foolproof or fail-safe. But it is working for me, so I wanted to share it. Thanks to everyone who has made Linux the ton of fun that it is. **************************************************************************** Kent Lewis kent@fiona.umsmed.edu