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Wacom Tablet HOWTO
Stefan Runkel
Version 1.0.6 of Mar 28, 2000
Installation of (not only) Wacom graphic tablets under linux and / or xfree86
2.1 New Versions of this Document
2.2 Feedback and Corrections
2.3 Acknowledgements
3.1 Which Hardware is supported
3.2 Which Software is needed
3.3 Which Software is supported
Tablets as Mouse-Replacement for the Linux-Console
4.1 Tablets and gpm
Tablets with XFree
5.1 Required XFree Version
5.2 Sample XF86Config snippet (simple)
5.3 Section Module
5.4 Device Types
5.5 DeviceName
5.6 Port
5.7 DebugLevel
5.8 Serial Num (intuos series only)
5.9 Mode absolute, Mode relative
5.10 Device Modes Extension, Core, AlwaysCore
5.11 HistorySize
5.12 Suppress
5.13 TiltMode (intuos only)
5.14 TopX, TopY, BottomX, BottomY Statements
5.15 KeepShape
5.16 Threshold
Changing configuration from within a running X-Server
6.1 Setting up the Gimp to use XInput devices
6.2 The Switch Device
6.3 Buttons
6.4 Button Mapping with xmodmap for Devices in Core Mode
6.5 Button Mapping with xinput for Devices in Extension Mode
6.6 xsetmode - changing absolute / relative mode
6.7 xsetpointer - setting the default core device
6.8 Keys
6.9 Utilities to use more than one tablet and for toggle support on / off
XFree FAQ - Problems And Questions
7.1 Gnome and Gimp only work like a usual mouse, without pressure and tilt.
7.2 Is the wheel of the mouse (cursor) supported ?
7.3 How can I find out the intuos Serial Num of my tool ?
7.4 How do I change the action of each button of my tool?
7.5 How can I use the intuos/artpad/ultrapad macro area ?
7.6 Is it possible to define multiple active areas on the same tablet ?
7.7 Can I use more than one tablet at the same time ?
Gpm FAQ - Problems And Questions
8.1 NCurses programs only support cut and paste with my new gpm
Further Information / Used Documents
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