You found all the software you needed. Now let's install them.
Before making the tarball on the aix machine, make sure you run /usr/netstation/bin/agree in order to make the kernel in a usable format. Probably you will have to do the same thing with the tarball you get from the IBM website. So finding the kernel separatly might be another solution. Find a drive with about 25Mb of free diskspace, I use /usr/netstation/, and unpack the tarbal either from the IBM website or from an AIX machine. There is no need in using the approx 60Mb from /usr/netstation/doc on the disk if you don't have enough diskspace.
Edit your /etc/exports, add the line /usr/netstation Where is the IP address you want to give to the NC. Restart your nfs deamon.
[root@velvet sdog]# ps auxf |grep rpc
sdog 4145 0.0 5.8 828 384 p1 S 03:55 0:00 \_ grep rpc
root 3120 0.0 5.7 944 380 ? S Feb 27 0:00 rpc.mountd
root 3129 0.0 1.5 880 100 ? S Feb 27 0:10 rpc.nfsd
[root@velvet sdog]# kill -9 3120 3129 ; /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd ; /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd
or on a RedHat-like system easier
[root@velvet init.d]# pwd
[root@velvet init.d]# ./nfs restart
Restarting NFS services: rpc.nfsd rpc.mountd done.
[root@velvet init.d]#
Your NC should now be able to mount the /usr/netsation by NFS.
Bascially if you don`t need X-Windows this is as far as it gets. You can easily telnet from your NC with nothing more installed. However the beauty of this thing is it`s X capability.
Next we have to set up the X server. Basically I didn't need to set up anything, all of my machines that ran X-Windows were configured to accept connections. I just started up the NC for the first time and it showed me all the machines that ran an XDM (cfr running an X -indirect). So any machine that can run xdm can be used as X Server. Just make sure XDM is So any machine that can run xdm can be used as X Server. Just make sure XDM is started.
Everything on the server side should be setup now. Lets try the NC side.