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3. TODO Tue Apr 4 15:23:11 EDT 2000

3.1 New versions of this document

New versions of this document can be found at

3.2 Feedback

All comments, error reports, additional information (very much appreciated!!!) and criticism of all sorts should be directed to:

My PGP key is located at

Please direct spelling error comments to your friendly local spell checker.

3.3 Standard disclaimer

No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use the concepts, examples and other content at your own risk. Additionally, this is an early version, with many possibilities for inaccuracies and errors.

One of many possible setups will be described. In the Linux world, there is usually a number of ways in which to accomplish things.

As far as I know, only programs that under certain terms may be used or evaluated for personal purposes will be described. Most of the programs will be available complete with source under GNU-like terms.

3.4 Copyright information

This document is copyrighted (c) 2000 Anton Chuvakin and distributed under the following terms:

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