I already mentioned the documentation files, installed typically under the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation. They are a real gold mine of useful informations.
The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) are periodically posted in the group news:news.answers and archived on FTP servers like ftp://rtfm.mit.edu :
FAQ of the group news:comp.os.linux.announce
FAQ of the group news:comp.sys.hp.hpux
A lot of other Linux HOWTO contain informations useful in link with our subject :
The following Usenet groups cover subjects linked to HP :
You may also consult the groups mentioned in the section called Service argumentation in Chapter 2.
On Internet, you may consult with a great benefit the following sites :
Table 6-1. Web sites ofMedasys and HP
Subject | URL |
HP Linux Portal | http://www.hp.com/go/linux |
HP and Linux | http://www.hp-linux.org |
HP France Education Linux | http://hpwww.ec-lyon.fr/hpeduc/education/offre/linux |
Medasys Linux | http://www.medasys-digital-systems.fr/linux |
HP Support | http://www.hp.com/pressrel/apr99/20apr99a.htm |
HP HOWTO | http://www.medasys-digital-systems.fr/linux/HP-Howto/HP-HOWTO-EN/index.html |
Linux Pa-Risc (Puffin Group) | http://thepuffingroup.com/parisc/software.html |
Linux IA64 | http://www.linuxia64.org |
Linux IA64 (HP Labs) | http://dtf.external.hp.com/dtf/swdev/1999/08/feature1_a.html |
HP RedHat certification | http://bugzilla.redhat.com/certification/cert-report.php3?mod_company=Hewlett+Packard |
HP Utigroup | http://www.hputigroup.com |
Table 6-2. Other fundamental sites on Linux and Open Source Software
Subject | URL |
Linux Weekly News - Summary of 1998 | http://lwn.net/1999/features/1998timeline/ |
Linux Weekly News - Summary of 1999 | http://lwn.net/1999/features/Timeline/ |
IOS Counter | http://www.leb.net/hzo/ioscount/index.html |
Comparaison MS-Windows NT Server 4.0 -- Unix | http://www.linux-france.com/article/these/unix-vs-nt/unix-vs-nt.html |
Netcraft studies | http://www.netcraft.com/survey/ |
L'AFUL (Association) | http://www.aful.org |
APRIL (Association) | http://www.april.org |
Linux Center | http://www.linux-center.org |
Linux France | http://www.linux-france.com/ |
Linux Journal | http://www.linuxjournal.com |
Linux Gazette | http://www.linuxgazette.com/ |
Linux Magazine France | http://www.linuxmag-france.com/ |
Linux Start | http://linuxstart.com/index.html |
Da Linux French Page | http://linuxfr.org/news/ |
RedHat Hardware support | http://www.redhat.com/cgi-bin/support |
Source Exchange | http://www.sourcexchange.com/ |